
My PetSafe App


My PetSafe Platform

Upon joining Radio Systems, the concept of Internet of Things (IoT) devices as the future quickly evolved from a mere nerdy side project to one of three critical objectives for the company. After developing a few products, it became apparent that creating and maintaining individual apps for each product was unsustainable. As a UX/UI designer, my primary task was to establish an architecture for a singular app that could encompass all of PetSafe®'s connected products, both present and future.


YEAR: 2018

BRAND: PetSafe

LAUNCH: 2019

App Store | Google Play Store

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Starting Point

Our initial research involved conducting ethnographic research for over six months and iterating based on user feedback. We tested in-person in the US and UK and conducted virtual tests through services such as Hotjar and Dscout. Initially, we learned that people desired as much information as possible about their pets' habits, including when they left the house, ate their food, and used the litter box. Pet owners wanted to know every detail of their pet's life.


After analyzing the data and user feedback, we discovered that it was not just about the actual data. People craved reassurance that they were taking care of their pets even when they were not present. As a result, we shifted our focus from device-centricity to pet-centricity, which influenced the company's perception of IoT products and the potential for providing real health and safety feedback to users. We contemplated how multiple pets could utilize various products and how we could better inform and empower users.

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UI Refresh

I deconstructed the existing apps into their fundamental components and created a UI kit. From there, we explored various possibilities for a fresh UI. As the PetSafe brand was in limbo regarding its branding update, we opted for a somewhat monochromatic palette with splashes of colors discovered in illustrations.

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Pet Profiles

Throughout our testing, we discovered unexpected user behavior such as the frequency with which users viewed and customized their pet's profiles. Moreover, we were surprised by unconventional pet names such as "Shithead" or "King Charles of the Kingdom of Fluff." We saw an opportunity to allow users to express their personalities freely.

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In Conclusion

As the primary UX/UI designer, my task was to establish an architecture for a single app that could house every current and future PetSafe® connected product. Through extensive research and testing, we discovered that our focus needed to shift from device-centricity to pet-centricity, which ultimately influenced the company's perception of IoT products and the potential for providing real health and safety feedback to users. We deconstructed the existing apps, created a UI kit, and explored various possibilities for a fresh UI, ultimately opting for a somewhat monochromatic palette with splashes of colors discovered in illustrations. Our testing revealed unexpected user behavior, such as the frequency with which users viewed and customized their pet's profiles, and we saw an opportunity to allow users to express their personalities freely. By prioritizing the needs of the pets and their owners, we were able to develop a more user-friendly and effective product that met the needs of our users.

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